السبت، 7 أغسطس 2010

Broadcast - St Mary's Fast Revival Schedule

St. Mark St. Mary, St. Philopater Church


Please note that the following events will be streamed as well as all the St. Mary Fast Evening Services (at 6:30 pm or 7:00 pm as shown in the attached schedule):
  1. Sunday Liturgy 8/8 at 8:30 am, HG Bishop Macarius
  2. Tuesday Liturgy 8/10 at 8:30 am, HG Bishop Macarius
  3. Sunday Liturgy 8/17 at 8:30 am, HG Bishop Youssef

To watch the broadcasted streaming just click on the following link:

http://hwcdn. net/t3k5q7y6/ wls/ 217594-stmarkmi. asx

Or simply copy and paste the following link into your internet browser:

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